Milk Quality

As a dairy farmer you don't just milk cows, you produce milk.  Every day the milk you ship affects the lives of thousands of people from the kitchen table down the road, to school cafeterias, to infants overseas.  We care about the quality of your product as much as you do.

Our milk quality services can help you identify and fix whole herd problems which have resulted in high SCC and can help you to identify and treat individual cases of mastitis.  Herd record analysis, on farm analysis of milking procedures, cow environment, and bedding can help to identify areas of weakness in your mastitis control program. Our veterinarians are ready to work with you to create and implement a successful mastitis control program tailored to the needs of your unique operation.


We offer in-house culture services to provide you with rapid identification of mastitis pathogens. With a timely diagnosis correct treatments can be made at the individual quarter level. We culture for all common mastitis pathogens.  

Culture Services Include:

  • Individual Cow/Quarter Culture

  • Bulk Tank Culture 

  • Bedding Culture

  • Towel Culture